Simply Smarter Sorting
Our CIRRUS® technology platform provides the most accurate separation of a wide variety of commodities in MRFs and PRFs, as well as C&D, C&D and MSW facilities. All CIRRUS® optical sorters combine high-resolution NIR, color, and metal sensors.
Our proprietary MaxSelect™ sequential scanning technology provides the best combination of scan rate, number of wavelength and NIR wavelength range (up to 2,500nm). The integrated ClearLight™ technology provides the best signal-to-noise ratio of any optical sorter in the industry because MSS doesn’t use grating or light beam splitters.
Take Control of Operating Cost and Product Marketability
CIRRUS® optical sorters reduce head-count while greatly improving the purity of the sorted commodities for best marketability, thereby reducing exposure to market risks such as “Green Fence” or National Sword.” Operators across the country are seeing quick returns on investment. The CIRRUS® sensor platform provides operation flexibility and makes it possible to change sort setups by only software programming, no hardware changes required.