Sunnyvale, CA: Retrofit Case Study

Sunnyvale, CA: Retrofit Case Study

The Sunnyvale Material Recovery and Transfer (SMaRT) Station was installed in 2007 as one of the CP’s first mixed waste processing systems. The SMaRT Station MRF is operated by Bay Counties Waste Services (BCWS), a progressive waste company with roots in the waste...
Sierra Waste Albany: Commingled Line Retrofit

Sierra Waste Albany: Commingled Line Retrofit

Single-Stream Container Line Upgrade, 6 tons/hr, with three (3) CIRRUS Optical Sorters, replacing four of our competitors under-performing optical sorters. CIRRUS #1 sorts HDPE, CIRRUS #2 sorts PET, and CIRRUS #3 sorts Mixed Plastics (#3-7).  
State-of-the-Art Texas 35TPH Recycling Facility

State-of-the-Art Texas 35TPH Recycling Facility

CP Group designed and installed this new technologically advanced MRF in Texas, which is capable of processing more than 140,000 tons of material yearly. The facility uses a highly automated monitoring system with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) to...