Jun 1, 2016
Take a look at CP Group’s technology powering Republic Services’ huge new material recycling facility in Las Vegas. The facility features various screening and optical sorting technology on dual 35 TPH sorting lines, which provide operational flexibility. CP...
Jan 15, 2016
Felix Hottenstein, sales Director of MSS, a division of the CP Group, gives a presentation on optical sorters at the IERC (International Electronics Recycling Congress) show in Salzburg Austria. Watch and learn how optical sorters sort e-waste for recycling...
Jan 15, 2016
The Sunnyvale Material Recovery and Transfer (SMaRT) Station’s MSW system was installed in 2009. The mixed waste MRF consists of dual infeed municipal solid waste processing lines and a residential, commingled processing line. This video details the material...
Jan 13, 2016
MSS’s L-VIS™ is our new high-resolution optical sorter for the separation of small particles by color and shape, using a high-resolution color camera that provides the ultimate separation performance for plastic flake/pellets, e-scrap (wires, circuit boards, metals) ,...